9 Tips on How I increased my Pinterest’s daily viewers 257K to 9M in a month

9 Tips on How I increased my Pinterest’s daily viewers 257K to 9M in a month


9 Tips on How I increased my Pinterest’s daily viewers 257K to 9M in a month

Bloggers can not avoid marketing on Pinterest, if you have, then I suggest to hop on it. My 2/3 of traffic comes from Pinterest, and more contents I share, more traffic I get every month.

Initially, I was prompting my business mainly on Facebook, and successfully increased my followers to 16K this month. You can read how I did it from HERE.

Pinterest is not a typical social media, it is actually a very powerful search engine. online Facebook posts that gets buried under the new posts, “pins” will be available for a long period of time.
Typically speaking, Facebook post’s life span is 3 days, where as 3 moths life spans for pins. People who are looking for content within your niche can also reach out to you by simply searching few keywords.

In this article, I will share 9 tips on how I successfully increased my monthly viewers to 9 million within a month. I hope you can make some kind of use out of my experience!

This article may contain affiliate link. Disclaimer can be found from HERE.


1. SEO friendly profile

First thing first, let’s revise your profile. Make sure to have business account (free) set up, and have your website authorized by Pinterest via setting page. This way, you can start pinning “rich pins,” and these get re-pinned more than the regular pins.

SEO stands for “Search Engine Optimized.” Pinterest is NOT exactly a social network, but it is a SEARCH engine. So, making your content SEO friendly is a crucial part of promoting your business on Pinterest.


Check your profile photo

Make sure your photo is either your business logo OR photo of your face. Quality matters too, having poor quality photo does not look impressive to the followers. Make sure your profile photo is bigger than 500pt x 500pt.

Check your profile name

Make sure to have not only your business / blog name, but also include KEYWORDS. For example, my website is about providing free SVG cut files. So Besides “Caluya Design,” I added “Free SVG Cut File Download.” This way, when people search “Free SVG Cut File” on Pinterest’s search engine, I have a good chance of showing up on the search result. You want to make sure these potential readers can reach you easily.

Check your profile description

This goes the same way as profile name. Add as much relative keyword as possible. By doing this, you are creating more chance to let people find you and your blog.

Finding right keywords will bump up your pins search result. You can check the ranking and trend of keywords from Google Trend.


2. SEO friendly boards & Pins

Importance of SEO applies on your boards & pins as well.

Let’s see what you need to do first.

When you create your business Pinterest account, create about 10-12 boards with related topics to your blog niche. And fill each board with 30-50 pins. This may be a good time for you to think about your targeted audience- think about their other interests as well as your niche.

>For example:

If your blog is about DIY crating, then of course you want to make few boards with titles, “DIY ideas” and “Craft Inspirations.”

But let’s not end here.

Now, think about what other types of boards might attract your targeted audience.

People who have interested in DIY crafting information might also be interested in learning about home and gardening. You can specify your breakdown and maybe be creating season specific crafting boards, such as “Christmas DIY” and “Spring Craft Ideas” might draw extra attention from your targeted audience.

While creating these initial boards, DO NOT FORGET to add description to each of the boards.

And when you do, avoid typing bunch of single keywords, which is also known as “Short Tail Keyword.” You need to master the so-called “Long Tail Keywords.”

Short tail keywords are just collection of few words, like these:

“DIY, craft, crafting, DIY inspirations, craft ideas, cheap craft”

If you want your pin to rank higher, then you need to learn how to write Long Tail Keyword, like this:

“This is a cheap DIY craft ideas for you and your little ones to enjoy this Christmas.”

Try making a sentence with your keywords in it. Besides, bunch of keywords does not attract people as much as someone saying “Hey! This is perfect for your next craft projects!”

The goal here is to make people wants to read your blog article! Try adding attractive and irresistible Long Tail Keywords on boards & pins description box.


3. Have appropriate pin sizes & designs

Pinterest is so different from any other social or search engine platform, that vertical images are more likely to get pinned than horizontal, or square images.

These are the checklists:

– Use high quality images (no blur photos)
– Use warm color (dark colored pin does not get pinned as much)
– Clean design (does not look professional)
– Use fonts you can read (Script fonts are nice, but make sure people can read. Avoid using more than 3 fonts).
– Credit your brand & blog URL ( I mean, why not?)


4. Make Multiple images for 1 article

When you promote your pins, you are going to re-pin the same content over and over again. So when you do, in order to avoid making your followers get annoyed or board, make multiple designs for a same content.
This way, you can keep promoting same blog article or freebies multiple times, but your pin still looks fresh and new.

And funny thing is that, even if pin with design A didn’t do good, pin with design B might go viral. This is the reason why you should try making few different looks per content/article.
You really never know which pin gets more attention.



5. Join Group Boards

This is unavoidable step to get followers and exposure to your pins, even though the process of it is not so exciting.

What is group boards?
A group board works like a regular Pinterest board. The only difference is that along with the board creator, other people are also allowed to pin. Famouse bloggers and famous pinners with many followers usually host several group boards.

Why you want to join?
Well, let’s say you only have few hundred followers. But if you could pin your contents on the big group boards with tens of thousands of followers, then all of them have the chance to see your pins.
It is a great way to increase your reach on Pinterest, and gain new followers as a result.

Here is a website can help you look for right group boards for you to apply. CLICK HERE


6. Use Schedular

To be honest, when you launch your own blog and try to do everything by yourself, you need all the helps you can get.
Writing articles, finding new contents, making videos, editing videos, making banners, Pinterest images, facebook images, making freebies, facebook marketing, responding to e-mail….. yes, that’s all I do, all by myself.

And so will you.(unless you decide to hire someone from freelancing website such as Fiverr.com)

You can find someone who can help you with image creation and video editing and such by hiring freelancers with inexpensive cost. Website such as Fiverr let you hire freelancers and that’ll help you run your business.

But social network promotions and marketing can be super overwhelming.

Tailwind let you schedule many pins in advance with super simple steps. This scheduler is user friendly and self-explanatory.

Pinterest will monitor your activity, and if you pin consistently on the same time daily, they will recognize your pins and rank your content higher on the search result.
Since I started using the scheduler, my daily reach and activity skyrocketed. It is safe to say that I could not have achieved this by manually pinning.

Try using Tailwind for free for 30days, and see how it’ll save your time and increase your traffic on Pinterest.


7. Join TailWind Tribes

Also, Tailwind let you join and organize groups, just like a Pinterest groups boards. But imagine- people who sign up and use TailWind is type of people who takes blogging seriously, perhaps even making money off of it.

They tend to be active on Pinterest and have more followers than average pinners. Within Tailwind groups, you can share your content with bloggers and let them share your content on their board as well.

If a member of the tribe have tens of thousands of followers and pins your content on her/his board? Massive exposure right there for you.

You can try using Tailwind and up to 5 tribes for free from HERE.


8. Study from bigger guys

When I first start this Pinterest marketing, I had absolutely no idea what to do.
All I did was followe people with similar interest, follow successful bloggers, and hoped for the best.

But what I eventually realize that, you can learn so much from successful bloggers and influencers who have tens of thousands of followers. Their pin usually goes viral, gets 20, 30, 100K repinns and brings passive income for them.


Check their Pinterest account, what kind of contents they are sharing, how they design their pins, how they pin, and even read their articles (lots of bloggers shares their tips and tricks on Pinterest marketing strategies.)

At this point, all you can do is learn from the experienced bloggers, and try if any of them actually works for YOU. If it doesn’t work, then move on to the nest plan. If works, yay! Keep doing what you are doing.

NEVER THINK that you know enough. You can NEVER know ENOUGH.


9. Forget about 8:2 rule

Last but not least, let me tell you the most important secret.

In the processs of learning Pinterest marketing, did someone told you to keep “8:2” rule, where you need to pin someone else’s content 80% of the time, and minimize your content to only 20%?

This is such a bulls@%$.

You have to make 80% content to someone else’s ????? HELL NO.

It’s your account, it’s your space, it’s your followers, so does the content should be.
Let people gather to your account BECAUSE of your content, not because someone else’s.

So how much you can pin your contents?

I usually do 70% of my contents, and 30% from other bloggers (who you want to be close to), which I usually re-pin from Tailwind tribes. I only pin what I am truly think impressing or helpful- be aware of the spam and broken link pins.



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